Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Salsas Rojas

Salsas Rojas - Yuka's recipe

3 dried chiles: (the small dried red ones that are a dollar a bag)
roasted 'til toasted in a pan, then deseed and destem those hoties

1 Tomato: roasted like a marshmallow directly over a gas flame - which is really fun
(I like to use romas and spear them w/ a fork to rotate over the flame, the skin will pop, blister, bubble, split and char, take your time and slowly roast (not burn) until it smells and looks roasted

1 clove garlic

1 teaspoon white vinegar (you just need a bit, I used a teaspoon- not my tsp measure)

salt/ pepper

Blend all of it in a blender.
(Notes: last night I used 3 small romas and 4 chiles, do what tastes good to you)

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